
to_sequence is a decorator to put a block of Python code into a sequence action. (to_sequence source code)

In Pylatus Script editor the to_sequence decorator is already imported into Python interpreter, but if you have external .py files, then you can import it as:

from auxygen_seq import to_sequence

Usages example


Imagine we have a function which connects to spec and runs a macro there. In our case, we have a spec macro chan_on which turns on a channel chan on the MUSST card:

def musst_chan_on(chan):
    spec('snbla2:rhmusst').run(f'chan_on {chan}')

If we call this function as is


it will turn on TTL signal on our MUSST. But we may want to put our spec command into the sequence, then we could write it like:

def musst_chan_on(chan):
    '''Musst turns channel 'chan' ON'''
    spec('snbla2:rhmusst').run(f'chan_on {chan}')

After that, calling


it will create a sequence action instead of running it immediately.

Format doc strings

You can use Qt format strings to add some info into sequence action:

def musst_chan_on(chan, time):
    '''Musst turns channel '%1' for %2 seconds'''
    spec('snbla2:rhmusst').run(f'chan_on {chan}')
    from time import sleep
    spec('snbla2:rhmusst').run(f'chan_off {chan}')

which will generate an action as following:


%1 will be substituted with the first argument value, %2 with the second one, etc., up to 9 arguments are allowed.


Due to fragile substance of the decorator there are certain limitations on its usage:

  • Only a top level function with only positional arguments can be decorated. Classes, methods, metaclasses, lambdas, closures or other smart thing will not work, i.e.
class TooSmart:  # wrong! classes cannot be decorated

class EvenSmarter(TooSmart):
    def cool_method(self):  # wrong! methods cannot be decorated

def silly_function():
    '''I am a very silly function'''  # ok!

def silly_function(a=1): # wrong! keyword arguments are not allowed
    '''I am another very silly function'''  

def smart_function():
    '''I am a very smart function'''
    def silly_function():  # wrong! closures cannot be decorated
        '''I am a very silly function'''
  • The decorated function can get any number of positional arguments (no keywords), but they must be either:

    • strings,
    • integer numbers,
    • float numbers.

    More complicated data structures (i.e. dicts, lists, other objects) will not work:

def spec_hello(greet, num):  # <--- ok!
    '''Prints `greet` `num` times in spec'''
    spec('bm31spec2:experiment').run(f'for (i=0; i<{num}; i++) print({greet});')

def spec_run_all(list_of_commands):  # <--- wrong! python list (or any Iterable) cannot be an argument
    '''Runs list of commands in spec'''
    for command in list_of_commands:
  • The decorated function must have a doc-string, which will be used as a part of the sequence action name.
def silly_function():
    '''I am a very silly function'''  # ok!

def dummy_function():
    return None  # wrong! there is no doc string
  • The decorated function cannot capture anything from the outer scope, i.e. neither imports, nor variables, nor other functions or types:
from time import sleep

sleep_time = 5

def spec_sleep1():
    '''Block spec prompt for 5 seconds'''
    sleep(sleep_time)  # wrong! sleep and sleep_time cannot be captured from the outer scope

def spec_sleep2(sleep_time):
    '''Block spec prompt for `%1` seconds'''
    from time import sleep
    sleep(sleep_time)  # ok, sleep is imported inside the function, sleep_time is an argument

If you find these limitations too strict, your patches eliminating them are always welcome.