Useful Pylatus script snippets
- Measure all LaB6 patterns at once
- Measurements with Cryostream
- Eurotherm based device
- Modulation Enhanced Diffraction
- Measure the full sphere with Arinax micro-kappa
- Fast change of the mono energy for BM01
Measure all LaB6 patterns at once
dists = [0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500]
heights = [-80, 0]
for d in dists:
heights = heights[::-1]
for h in heights:
pldistf=d, plvert=h, omega=0,
dOmega=100, nperiods=1,
exposure=10, nframes=1)
Measurements with Cryostream
# from 300 K to 200 K with a step 10
# and from 200 K to 80 K with a step 1 K
temps = list(range(300, 200, -10)) + list(range(200, 79, -1))
for t in temps:
# ramp with rate 360 K/hour
cryostream.ramp(t, 360)
# sometimes it's useful to wait for temperature stabilization
# Folder pattern is like Sample1_100K
Eurotherm based device (gas heat blower or Hermann's heater)
# from 400.5 K to 500.5 K with a step 0.5
# It is not possible to use range with float,
# Thus we import arange from numpy
from numpy import arange
temps = arange(400.5, 501, 0.5)
for t in temps:
# ramp 10 C/min
blower.ramp(t, 10)
# Directory pattern is like Sample1_400.5C
Modulation Enhanced Diffraction
import numpy as np
amax = 250 # max temperature amplitude
amin = 200 # min temperature amplitude
n = 50 # number of points
filename = 'name'
func = np.cos # use cosine function
points = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n)
temps = (amax + amin) / 2 + func(points) * (amax - amin) / 2
for i, t in enumerate(temps):
cryostream.ramp(t, 360)
# nop=True means the filename pattern will be without _0001p
# part, i.e. name_001.cbf instead of name_001_0001p.cbf
diffractometer.scan(filename=f'{filename}_{i:03d}', nop=True)
Measure the full sphere with Arinax micro-kappa
dir = 'test'
runs = {
'run0': {'akappa': 0, 'aphi': 0, 'prhor': -44.5813, 'samtx': 1.6822, 'samty': 0.8764},
'run1': {'akappa': 90, 'aphi': 0, 'prhor': -44.3563, 'samtx': 1.9445, 'samty': 1.3063},
'run2': {'akappa': 90, 'aphi': 90, 'prhor': -44.3064, 'samtx': 1.8516, 'samty': 0.7455},
'run3': {'akappa': 90, 'aphi': 180, 'prhor': -44.6463, 'samtx': 1.3820, 'samty': 0.8077},
for r in runs:
motors = runs[r]
for m in motors:
diffractometer.scan(folder=f'{dir}/{r}', kappa=motors['akappa'], phi=motors['aphi'])
Fast change of the mono energy for BM01
Switch to high energy
from bm01macros import *
or low energy
from bm01macros import *